Sunday, April 29, 2007

bragging rights

i discovered i had some pics from misshapes 3/31 when i went with superfly photog JD Ferguson, black haired, doe eyed Georgia Frost, Daul Kim, and Marieke Sterling.
why post now? almost a month later?
1) i forgot about them
2) everyone looooves commenting/complimenting/criticizing models
3) well, where YOU there?

JD, its the not the size, its how you use it. we've established that.

Marieke has long, luscious hair. pantene pro-v should call.

georgia looks absolutely badass. she CAN pull off black......i just prefer blond.

adorable....i mean...FIERCE (tyra) models.

marieke's superbly enviable cheekbones. seriously not fair. the rest of us have to suck in our cheeks olsen-style. rawr.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

you should take more pics like this- I mean everyone's doin it, yyah??

Mash said...

marieke and georgia are gorgeous

marieke said...

I <3 tesssss