Saturday, June 16, 2007

not going to change till i want to


at internship: my new favorite model came in. veronika from DNA. completely stunning. i want to play with her hair desperately. she was also unperturbed by my camera being a punk-ass-bitch and taking forever to take a picture.

after work---playdate at photog JD Ferguson's casa.
did you have all access backstage photography rights at the Chanel f/w 07/08 show? no? he did.

jd with his vices. coffee. cigs. sunglasses. pink.

jd is a stone fox. and a huge penchant for getting his own photo taken.

"badass bitch/ i'm rated x"

you are, JD, you are.
(hope you have called you-know-who by now.....)


Anonymous said...

Love the new pillows!

Anonymous said...

veronika's really good she like 15? 16? kind of a young young JP?