Thursday, May 3, 2007

dirty pretty things

internship 2 today.

gorgeous georgia frost and her BF came in.
lolita sunglasses=awesome. and hot. damnnnnn.


internship 1 had a charity auction that Anna Wintour (so important she gets her name all properly capitalized and the like in this blog....)

the auction was mad boring tho.
so off to Bleach at Manor

and then Marquee.

why lack of pictures? well i was getting my drink on......duh.


Anonymous said...

lol i am SO glad u called me and we had a super fun time
-a distguntled krumbalina
j.k. i love you, see you on sat?

we could grow up 2gether said...

loves your blog! so cute.

Anonymous said...

OMG wear did you get your sunglasses girl! ive been looking for a pair of oversized heart sunglasses in red for 2 months now! exactly like yourss! please msg back and could you let me know the price tooo :D<3<3 im from torontooo btw